

Pi-Home provides cost-effective alternative to commercial home automation systems, known as "smart home" for family houses, apartments or small commercial objects. It consists of a simple application of open hardware and software in a switchboard for controlling electrical circuits, collecting data from various sensors and controlling the logic of individual elements. Pi-Home is based on OpenHAB - open source solution ( and the Raspberry Pi and Arduino development open boards. It can be combined with a lot of devices including wireless standards like Z-Wave or ZigBee etc. We use MQTT as main communication protocol.


The main advantage of an open solution is the independence from suppliers and the ability to self-configure. This is crucial for successfully controlling an intelligent family home since numerous situations will arise over time when adjusting settings is necessary. The fair price of hardware components compared to proprietary solutions also adds to the appeal of open solutions. The low price enables duplication of elements to make solutions more robust than conventional proprietary options.





  • Power circuit control - lights, sockets, heating, blinds, irrigation etc.
  • Collect and store sensor's data - temperature, humidity, motion and can be extended (electricity, CO2, etc.)
  • IFTTT-type UI programming - "if this then that" - easy to use for non programmers
  • Wide range of supported devices and technologies (see OpenHAB Bindings)
  • Web responsive interface MainUI (OpenHAB3) - responsible, easy to use
  • Includes Grafana for advanced graphs and statistics
  • Unlimited ability to customize appearance and features
  • Local solution - undependent on internet connection



  • universal
  • community
  • minimum cost
  • open source


  • uncertified solution
  • no warranty
  • knowledge & time or paid installation



OpenHAB 3

OpenHAB3 - Tablet Example OpenHAB3 - Tablet Example OpenHAB3 - Tablet Example OpenHAB3 - Tablet Example

OpenHAB3 - Phone Example OpenHAB3 - Phone Example OpenHAB3 - Phone Example


Victron & OpenHAB
Victron vs Smart HomeRating: 

In this post, we will show you how to retrieve information from a photovoltaic power plant by Victron. We will connect to the Cerbo unit via MQTT. Based on these values, we can control various appliances (heating, boiler, etc.) and prevent the battery from being drained when they don't need to be.

Nilan VP18 vs OpenHABRating: 

We provide tutorial for the connection of the active Nilan recuperation unit, in our case the VP18 K WT type with OpenHAB 3. By communicating via Modbus it is possible to read the whole range of values, but mainly also to control the unit through OpenHAB. This allows us to remotely or programmatically change the performance and ventilation settings depending on the mode (night, cooking, etc.)

DALI device control via MQTTRating: 

DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) is an open interface for lighting controls in the home, industrial buildings, public objects, etc. To connect to our OpenHAB system, we can use a commercial converter from ADFWEB called HD67941-B2 - DALI / MQTT - Converter. In the article, we will show how to use this converter in conjunction with MQTT.

Shelly OpenHAB MQTT
Shelly vs OpenHABRating: 

The Shelly brand is known for its products that primarily communicate over WiFi, including smart plugs, relay switches, blinds control relays, and many other devices. One of the advantages for deployment is the ability to both read and control these devices using the universal MQTT protocol. Across existing add-ons for both OpenHAB and Home Assistant, we will demonstrate how to use Shelly devices without installing any additional extensions.

Alarm Smart Home PIR
Alarm from existing PIR sensors in a smart home.Rating: 

In a your smart home, PIR sensors may not only be used to switch lights on and off based on motion, it is possible to utilize these sensors to detect the presence of motion in a particular room. This information can be used to create a relatively reliable uncertified home security system. In this guide, you will find the logic for how this can work in the OpenHAB software in our model smart home.

Voice control smart home
Voice control of the houseRating: 

In this article, we will connect the Amazon Echo Dot voice assistant with open source home automation. We won't be using OpenHAB Cloud, so everything runs locally. In this case, a few additional settings are necessary, but the result is worth it!

Video intercom Doorbird in OpenHABRating: 

Native support for OpenHAB is provided by video intercom by Doorbird company. The solution is powered and connected by a UTP cable and has its own IP address to make it easier for you to install at the gate. OpenHAB is then able to import images from the intercom, visit history, manage gate opening on the button and by the phone, do not disturb feature during night, alarm feature etc. In the instructions we guide you how to use OpenHAB with Doorbird D101.

Jak nastavit pevnou IP adresu v linuxu
How to set static IP for OpenHABRating: 

Need fixed IP address for OpenHAB? Simple guide will show you how to set static IP address on linux Debian systems like Raspbian. You can use same guide for ubuntu or other debian like linux systems.

Smart Home GoodWe inverter
Smart Home vs GoodWeRating: 

In the post, we will demonstrate step by step how to communicate directly with the GoodWe inverter in a smart home setup and obtain real-time information (unlike the SEMS portal). This information is essential if we want to react to current parameters in a smart home, such as activating additional cooling or controlling a socket with a various load.

PiHome - Chytry dum mereni spotreby elektriny
Energy meter in smart homeRating: 

We are providing a simple step-by-step tutorial how to install home energy meter. We did not find any MQTT device, so we buy Aeotec Home Energy Meter as we are already have a Z-Wave controlller in our smart home.