Part 1- Model house and project


Pi-Home - Modelový inteligentní dům


We have chosen the step by step tutorial of setting up a smart home as the best learning option. In this guide you will find how our model house looks like, how rooms are labeled and what we will control in our model house. If you learn to set up a model house, it will be easy for you to adjust the number of lights and their labels so that the setting fits your real project. Let's go!


Pi-Home model house

Our model house has a floor plan ~ 10 x 10 m . To avoid having to reinvent the wheel we used the finished floor plan of the real house Terra 173 by Atrium company with their permission. The ground floor rooms are coded as 1xx and the first floor as 2xx. Everything is for the purpose of the tutorial labelled in English.

The house contains the following types of controlled circuits and their coding:

Lights Lxxx Sockets Sxxx Shutters/Blinds Rxxx
Heatings Hxxx Butons Bxxx PIR sensors SPxxx
Temperature senors STxxx Humidity sensors SHxxx Temperature floor sensors SFxxx


Pi-Home - Modelový příklad chytrého domu

Pi-Home - Modelový příklad inteligentního domuPi-Home - Modelový příklad chytrého domu 1.NP

Pi-Home - Modelový příklad inteligentního domu 1.NP

The coding you have chosen will be with you almost forever, so think about making it as versatile as possible. A well-chosen coding will give you easy orientation in modules, cables and code. It should be as short as possible, without accents or special characters.

The following table shows the codes and numbers of each type of controlled circuit/sensor:

  Lights Sockets Heatings Shutters Buttons Sensors          
            Temp Floor Temp Humidity PIR    
1 L011 S011 H111 R111 B111 ST111 SF111 SH111 SP111    
2 L012 S012 H121 R131 B112 ST121 SF121 SH121 SP121    
3 L013 S013 H131 R132 B121 ST131 SF131 SH131 SP131    
4 L014 S014 H151 R141 B122 ST141 SF151 SH141 SP141    
5 L021 S015 H152 R151 B131 ST151 SF152 SH151 SP151    
6 L022 S016 H201 R152 B132 ST152 SF201 SH152 SP152    
7 L031 S111 H211 R153 B133 ST161 SF211 SH161 SP161    
8 L041 S121 H221 R154 B134 ST201 SF221 SH201 SP201    
9 L042 S131 H231 R155 B141 ST211 SF231 SH211 SP211    
10 L043 S141 H241 R211 B142 ST221 SF241 SH221 SP221    
11 L111 S142   R221 B151 ST231   SH231 SP231    
12 L112 S151   R231 B152 ST241   SH241 SP241    
13 L121 S152   R241 B153            
14 L122 S153     B154            
15 L131 S154     B155            
16 L141 S155     B156            
17 L151 S161     B157            
18 L152 S201     B158            
19 L153 S211     B159            
20 L154 S221     B160            
21 L155 S231     B161            
22 L156 S241     B162            
23 L161       B201            
24 L201       B202            
25 L211       B211            
26 L212       B212            
27 L221       B213            
28 L231       B214            
29 L241       B221            
30         B222            
31         B223            
32         B224            
33         B231            
34         B232            
35         B233            
36         B234            
37         B241            
38         B242            
39         B243            
40         B244            
Sum 29 22 10 13 40 12 10 12 12 Total 160
  Arduino1 (PA1)

Arduino2 (PA2) Arduino3 (PA3) Arduino4 (PA4)    



Wiring scheme

The diagram of the low-current switchboard for this model house is as follows. In this case, a separate switchboard with a size (in x w x h) of 1200x800x300 mm and 6 to 7 DIN levels with a spacing of 150mm is recommended. Cable perforated plastic U are suitable to be installed between DIN strips.

Note: The low-current part in this case does not contain an installation relay. These are located in the high-current installation and only the control cables of switching coils are pulled into the low-current switchboard.

PiHome - Model House Wiring Scheme






Well, what will our model house be able to do after this tutorial?


Feature Note
Control 29 lights circuits Switch on/off of 230V circuit without dimmer, we recommend wireless devices for dimming if neccessary - Zigbee, Zwave, Shelly, etc.
Control 22 socket circuits Why? We can turn off power in all circuits after we leave the house -> children's room, washing machine, iron, oven, etc..Advantage of maximum consumption logic in connection with PV panels.
Control 10 heating zones Direct switching of electric heating (heating cables, electric radiators) or opening/closing of heating valves for the given zone. Logic of temperature control based on values from the room temperature sensor + possibly in combination with floor temp sensor.

Control 13 blinds/shutters Direct motor control with up/down/stop through multi phase cable. Rotation function of blades (open, close). Group control. Connection to weather station. Can be extended with various rules according to time of the year, forecast, etc.

Control 40 buttons Classic 230V buttons (not switches). Tested for Hager/Berker (2 and 4 buttons). Connection via UTP cable. Safe voltage 5V to ground (GND).

Monitor room temperature 12 x We are using combined sensor DHT22 + PIR HC-SR501. Any Arduino compatible solution or MQTT sensors can be used as well as Z-Wave, Zigbee.

Monitor room humidity 12 x We are using combined sensor DHT22 + PIR HC-SR501. Any Arduino compatible solution or MQTT sensors can be used as well as Z-Wave, Zigbee.
Monitor motion in room 12x We are using combined sensor DHT22 + PIR HC-SR501. Any Arduino compatible solution or MQTT sensors can be used as well as Z-Wave, Zigbee.
Monitor floor temperature 10x Solution with water-resistant sensor DS18B20 directly connected to UTP and the to Arduino pins.

Alarm 12 motion sensors primarily used to control the lights (hallways, bathroom, pantry, etc.) are switched to security mode at the time of leaving the house with immediate notification (email, telegram)

Optional extensions:

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